Thursday 8 January 2015

Thursday 8 January 2015

My picture for today is not actually a photo from today. It's actually from the summer. But the highlight of my day today was a phone call I had with my friend Victoria. We were at college together last year but since we've both gone off to uni we don't see much of each other, and even worse we don't talk too often either. So it was SO great to catch up with her. You don't get too many in life but she is one of those friends who I know will always be there for me, no matter where we are or how old we get. And even when we're 99 she'll still probably be as big a chatterbox as she is now, or more (if that's possible). I'm so lucky to have friends like Tor. And I'm so lucky to have all the friends I have in my life. Friends are fab. I once heard someone say that friends are the family you choose, and I think that's spot on. I don't know what I'd do without my friends.


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